Easter Sunday, April 16, 2017
Music & Sermon Recording 音樂和証道錄音
Order of Worship 崇拜程序
Part I 第一部
慈愛 Love
曲 Music: Near the Cross 十字架 / Love on the Cross 十字架的愛
憐憫 Mercy
曲 Music: And Can It Be That I Should Gain? 怎能如此?
Part II 第二部
恩典 Grace
曲 Music: When I Survey the Wondrous Cross 我每思念十字寶架
順服 Obedience
曲 Music: Who Is on the Lord’s Side? 誰順從主耶穌?
苦難 Suffering
曲 Music: When I think of the Lord’s Crucifixion 每當我想起主釘十架
曲 Music: O Sacred Head, Now Wounded 哦!至聖之首受創傷
犧牲 Sacrifice
曲 Music: Narrow Road of the Cross 十架窄路
曲 Music: Were You There? 你在那裡?
榮耀 Glory
曲 Music: The Cross is My Glory 十字架是我的榮耀 / Near the Cross 十字架
2017 復活節 Easter Sunday 十字架的榮耀 The Glory of the Cross