Chinese Baptist Church of New Orleans 新奥尔良华人浸信会 - 紐奧良華人浸信會
Wednesday, February 23, 2022
薛孔偉出生於中國,先後在香港、日本、普渡、史丹福大學、臺灣陽明醫學院讀書及工作。於一九七九年回應神的呼召回美國在聖路易斯的立約神學院就讀,畢業後在聖路易斯中華福音教會牧會十四年。自一九九六年至現今在曉士頓中國教會牧會 (自2003年起為主任牧師)。薛牧師和他的妻子仙霞有三個兒子。
Pastor William Hsueh
William Hsueh grew up in Hong Kong. He studied and worked in Hong Kong, Japan, Purdue University, Stanford and Yang Ming University in Taiwan. In 1978, he responded to God’s call and entered the Covenant Theological Seminary in St. Louis, Mo. From 1982, he pastored the St. Louis Chinese Gospel Church for 14 years. Since 1996, he has been serving at Houston Chinese Church, Houston, Texas (Senior Pastor since 2003). Pastor Hsueh and his wife, Cynthia, have three sons, Francis, Robin and Sean.
(經文: 歌羅西書 2:6-7)
信息 一: 像耶穌的成長
信息 二: 像彼得的成長
信息 三: 像但以理的成長
信息 四: 像提摩太的成長
信息 五: 十字架與成長
信息 六: 成長的障礙
信息 七: 一位慈悲的審判官
信息 一: 从空虚到充实: 追求生命 (太4:4)
信息 二: 从迷失到淡定: 认识上帝 (创1:26-28)
信息 三: 从软弱到刚强: 信靠耶稣 (林后4:17; 12:9-10)
信息 四: 从捆绑到自由: 经历恩典 (罗6:1-5)
信息 五: 从不信到信: 认罪悔改 (徒2:37-40)
信息 六: 从孤独到爱: 进入永生 (约17:3; 林前13)
When? 時間: 8月31日(週六) 至 9月2日(周一)
Saturday, Aug 31 to Monday, Sep 2
Where? 地點: Tall Timbers Baptist Conference Center
10218 Hwy. 165 South, Forest Hill, Louisiana 71430
Chinese American Christians (and those who have decided to accept Christ)
in the state of Louisiana and neighboring cities & Christian Friends of the
New Orleans Chinese Baptist Church and Chinese Christian Church of Baton Rouge
Chinese Christian Church of Baton Rouge (Co-Host)
電話 Telephone: (225) 927-3239
New Orleans Chinese Baptist Church (Host)
電話 Telephone: (504) 463-0235
Languages? Mandarin Chinese Camp & English Camp
This camp accommodates the entire family!
Program includes Adult Mandarin Chinese Camp; English-Speaking Camp, Special Program for Children, and Care for Toddlers/Infants. Outdoor activity available.
Youth Program
Speaker: Pastor TBA
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