Chinese Baptist Church of New Orleans 新奥尔良华人浸信会 - 紐奧良華人浸信會
Wednesday, February 23, 2022
2011 Louisiana Chinese American Christian Spiritual Retreat
21末世與教會 End Times & the Church 中文講員: 吳榮滁牧師
English Speaker: Gaylord Tsuei
第一堂 末世的教會 啟示錄第一章
第二堂 末世的挑戰 啟示錄第二至三章
第三堂 末世的策略 啟示錄第四至九章,十一章
第四堂 末世的行動 啟示錄第十章至十五章
第五堂 末世的勝利 啟示錄第十六至廿二章
9/3(週六) 午3:30-5:00 (#1堂), 5:30 晚餐
晚7:00-8:30 (#2堂)
9/4(週日) 早10-11:15 (#3堂),11:30-12:30 (#4堂),
午12:30 (午餐), 2:00-3:30 (#5堂)
When? 時間: 9月3日(週六) 至 9月4日(周日)
Saturday, Sept. 3 to Sunday, Sept. 4
Where? 地點: New Orleans Chinese Baptist Church
Who? 路州以及附近城市的華裔基督徒(歡迎決定接受基督者)和教會的基督徒朋友
Chinese American Christians (and those who have decided to accept Christ)
in the state of Louisiana and neighboring cities & Christian Friends of the
New Orleans Chinese Baptist Church and
Chinese Christian Church of Baton Rouge
Sponsors? 紐奧良華人浸信會(主辦)
New Orleans Chinese Baptist Church (Host)
電話 Telephone: (504) 467-6958
Chinese Christian Church of Baton Rouge (Co-Host)
電話 Telephone: (225) 927-3239
Languages? Mandarin Chinese Camp & English Camp
1. 至教會報名付費者: Church Registration
2. 網上報名者: Online Registration
New Orleans Chinese Baptist Church, 3413 Continental Drive, Kenner, LA 70065
* 勿將報名費用放至教會奉獻箱內 ,請連同報名表及費用直接交於負責靈修營事工之同工。
Do not place your registration payment in the Church Donation Box. Attach your payment to the registration form and forward directly to Retreat Committee representative.
According to IRS policy, registration fee is for personal use, thus non-deductible for tax purposes.
報名表 Registration Form