Chinese Baptist Church of New Orleans 新奥尔良华人浸信会 - 紐奧良華人浸信會
Wednesday, February 23, 2022

按牧 Ordination 3-31-2019

Ordination Ceremony of Pastor Diwei Shi
主曆二零一九年三月三十一早上十點 10 am, March 31, 2019


Glorious Calling
          將自己獻上當作活祭,作主聖潔貴重的器皿, 你豐富恩惠必充足澆灌我,使我瓦器裡充滿莫大能力。 
          高舉雙手讚美你我主,全心全人都給你耶穌, 一生意義,活出榮耀的呼召,勇敢地向著標竿直跑。 
          跟隨耶穌,愛我的主,我愛你,耶穌。 跟隨耶穌,愛我的主,我愛你,耶穌。  

Walk With Me
        風風雨雨的時候, 才知道祢的溫柔, 多年前, 幾年後, 仍然相信祢恩手.
        一年年的長大, 一次次的切慕, 祢都陪我  安慰我, 憐憫我.
        祢說會陪我走過春夏秋冬, 疼我, 引導我, 保護我.
        倚靠耶和華的人什麼也不怕, 倚靠耶和華, 一個不撇下.
        祢總不撇下我, 永遠不離開我, 晨昏夜晚陪我度過. 
        我的日子如何, 祢的恩典更多,  在這一切事上靠祢勝過.
It's through times of wind and rain
That I learn Your gentle touch;
Every time, come what may,
In Your grace I'll place my trust.


Every year I travel through,
Always I'll seek after You;
Comforting and gracious, You
Walk with me!

I know You'll walk with me through all of my days,
Loving and guiding, shielding me!
Yes, those who trust in Him, they need not be afraid;
Those trusting in Him He won't cast away!

I know You'll always be
Walking that path with me
Both day and night, till the journey's done.
The most exhausting days
Cannot exhaust Your grace;

By trusting in You I overcome!