Chinese Baptist Church of New Orleans 新奥尔良华人浸信会 - 紐奧良華人浸信會
Wednesday, February 23, 2022
Ordination Ceremony of Pastor Henry Jang
主曆二零一零年十月三日下午三時 3 pm, October 6, 2010
按牧團推薦 劉宏富牧師(按牧團代表)
Ordination Rev. Hongfu Liu
Recommendation Ordination Council Representative
Responsive Scripture Reading 2 Timothy 1: 8-14 Rev. Christoph Bajewski
對候選牧者的要求 劉宏富牧師
Charge to the Candidate Rev. Hongfu Liu
勉勵(一) 白添成牧師
Exhortation I Rev. Stephen Pai
候選牧者宣誓 張宏源弟兄宣誓
Ordination Vows Br. Henry Jang
按手禮/禱告 按牧團眾牧者
Laying on of Hands/Prayer Ordination Council
勉勵(二) 陳國志牧師
Exhortation II Rev. K. C. Chen
Gift Presentation Rev. Hongfu Liu
新按立牧師證道 張宏源牧師
Words from the Newly Ordained Rev. Henry Jang