Chinese Baptist Church of New Orleans 新奥尔良华人浸信会 - 紐奧良華人浸信會
Wednesday, February 23, 2022


今年教會目標: 學基督的樣式; 活出豐盛生命 
(太 11:28-30)
Church Goal 2021: Learn from Christ; live an abundant life.
(Matthew 11:28-30)

  1. 教會是敬拜神的聖殿,是傳揚福音培育靈命的地方。 教會裡不容從事營利的商業活動。聚會前請保持肅靜並將手機關閉崇拜開始後請走兩側門,請準時參加。
  2. 2021年度執事:汪國順弟兄,王晉江弟兄,趙德華弟兄李鯤弟兄,林東弟兄,陳敏姊妹,金蓮錦姊妹。 請常常為教會眾執事同工代禱。2021 Deacon Board
  3. 教會禱告會於每週三晚上七點三十分至九點正綫上進行,鼓勵弟兄姐妹出席參加,若會眾有需要代禱事項,請與吳牧師或師母聯絡。
  4. 教會推動分區牧養,建立家庭小組。若弟兄姐妹有未信主的朋友或芳鄰需要探訪和關懷,可以向牧師或師母聯系。
  5. 請弟兄姊妹至教會參加主日崇拜,勿穿背心、短褲、夾腳拖鞋,務必穿著整齊端莊,以示尊重神及敬拜神的正確態度。為肢體有病痛的禱告,求神賜大能的手醫治﹑安慰他們賜與剛強的信心。請特別為雪媚姊妹,龐國麗姊妹, 奚䁱春, 陳耀山弟兄代禱。 

2021 執事會 Deacon Board






左:主餐之禮       右:無酵餅制作


Sunday Worship Livestream  


10:00 am - 11:00 am

Zoom ID 識別號: 670 086 3421

Password 密碼: Contact Fellowship 
 or E-Mail 
聯絡團契或電郵Br. Paul



10:00 am - 11:00 am

Youtube Link




11:30 am - 12:30 pm

Youtube Link



Wednesday Night Online Prayer Meeting

7:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Zoom ID 識別號:  336 663 853
Password 密碼: Contact Fellowship or E-Mail 聯絡團契或電郵: 吳師母




2020 執事會 Deacon Board

7 月 Jul

 2021 教會行事歷
2021 Church Operating Calendar 

  1. Sunday School & Worship 10:00 am - 12:30 pm.  In house worship will resume on July 4, 2021 along with live Youtube broadcast for both Chinese and English Worship Services. Sunday School will remain on ZOOM and fellowship lunch is still suspended.
  2. Those wish to be baptized, please contact Rev James Ng or Shimu.
  3. 2021 Deacons: Br. Jinjiang Wang, Br. Guoshun Wang, Br. Dehua Zhao, Br. Kun Li, Br. Dong Lin, Sr. Min Chen, and Sr. Lianjin Jin.
  4. 2021 Deacon Board.
  5. Pastor Jonathan has started his long-term English Service preaching at the NOCBC since April.
  6. Pray for those suffering from physical illnesses.   


 米開朗基羅: 創世記     1508-1512     Michelangelo: Creation







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帖撒羅尼迦前書 5:16-18
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18