Chinese Baptist Church of New Orleans 新奥尔良华人浸信会 - 紐奧良華人浸信會
Wednesday, February 23, 2022

見證分享 Testimony Sharing  




前我失丧,今被寻回 — 我的得救见证
1. 信主以前的我
3. 生命因主而改变

           未預見到的果子             English Version
     下面這見證是出於紐約辛傑米牧師所寫的“風火大能”裡的一個真實故事。在1921年有一對瑞典(Swedish) 宣教士夫婦,名叫大衛和絲美雅 傅拉德 (David & Svea Flood),他們回應神的呼召到非洲(Africa) 的中心,向比利時所屬的殖民地剛果的土著 (Belgian Congo) 傳福音。他們到了那裡的宣教中心,認識了另一對宣教士夫婦叫艾瑞生 (Ericksons)。主帶領這兩對宣教士進到偏遠的鄉村,是個拜偶像又是瘧疾以及其他熱帶疾病入侵的地方。這兩對宣教士們就在北多勒拉 (N’dolera) 附近安頓下來,但是當地的酋長因為怕惹他們森林的神明們發怒而不准他們入村‧唯一允許能跟這兩對宣教士聯繫的,只有一個小男孩每星期賣兩次雞和雞蛋給他們。於是他們集中他們的努力教育這個小男孩,最後成功的帶領他歸向基督。
     然而,由於艱難的叢林生活,加上不斷的瘧疾侵擾,造成他們巨大的痛苦,最後艾瑞生受夠了,無法再留在那裡,於是就回宣教中心站去了,丟下大衛和絲美雅夫婦繼續那艱難的宣教工作。後來絲美雅懷孕了,在剛生完一個小女嬰後17天,由於耗盡體力又加上瘧疾的攻擊而過世了。大衛面臨如此巨大的危機,整個人變得灰心沮喪‧他想到自己把生命完全的奉獻給神,所得到的只看到一個男孩得救,卻是附上極大的代價:在叢林中受盡痛苦與煎熬,甚至最後連妻子也失去了。因此,他丟棄了神對他的呼召,甚至否認神。他把小女兒給了艾瑞生然後自行回瑞典去了。過了八個月以後,艾瑞生也過世了,死因不明。於是這個小女孩被一個美國宣教士領養,後來回國住在南達科他州 (South Dakota)。 
     這小女孩就在傳道環境中長大,嫁給了一個年青人,名叫杜威 賀斯特 (Dewey Hurst)。後來杜威成為當地一所基督教大學的校長。這女孩子一直渴望知道她瑞典親生父母的消息,但一點資料都沒有,無法知道他們發生了什麼事。有一天,竟然有一份瑞典語的雜誌在她家的信箱裡‧當她翻開雜誌時,突然看到一張照片上的墓碑有一個白色的十字架,上面寫著“絲美雅 傅拉德。她認得這是她母親的名字,於是立刻到基督教大學找朋友幫她翻譯。那篇文章談到多年前的第一批宣教士在北多勒拉的情形‧當那些白人宣教士都離開那裡以後,那個唯一得救的小男孩長大後在那村莊建立學校,他把從宣教士們所學到的去教導那些學生們,並帶領所有的學生歸向基督‧然後這些學生們又帶領他們的父母信了基督 ─ 甚至那位酋長也成為了基督徒。如今那個村莊有六百位基督徒,都是因為當年傅拉德家庭的犧牲而產生的。
     後來賀斯特全家到瑞典去找他們的父親大衛 傅拉德。他們告訴他,當年他和他妻子帶領得救的小男孩如今如何把救恩傳遍全村。大衛聽了之後,向神認罪悔改,如迷失的羊重新回轉歸向基督。過了幾年以後,賀斯特全家到倫敦參加一個宣教會議,遇見了一位撒伊 (Zaire)【是比利時之殖民地剛果  (Belgian Congo) 的前身】的國家教會的總會督,他牧養了一個有十一萬受過浸的信徒的教會。他們發現這位總會督就是當年帶食物去給大衛和絲美雅 傅拉德的那個小男孩。他是當年傅拉德家流淚所撒的種子。
     詩篇126:5-6: “流淚撒種的,必歡呼收割‧那帶種子流淚出去的,必要歡歡樂樂的帶禾捆回來。”約翰福音12:24: “一粒麥子不落在地裡死了,仍舊一粒;若是死了,就結出許多子粒來。”哦!主啊!求祢赦免我們的短見!求祢赦免我們在試煉中的軟弱!求祢施恩憐憫我們,因為我們不認祢的次數比彼得還多!然而,我知道祢在十字架上所流的寶血已洗淨我們一切的罪。祢的恩典大過我們所能承認的眾過犯。我們必須作的就是信靠順服祢!
     神對我們的一生都有奇妙的計劃。在祂的眼中,任何一個計畫都是寶貴的。我們都是基督身體的一部份,都是重要功能的事奉。在教堂的打掃、抹地與牧師在講台上講道一樣寶貴。我們的事奉都是神隨著自己的旨意用不同的方法,把種子撒在不同的心田與境遇上。神已經應許了,有一天我們將歡呼收割。我們既聽到這個見證 ─ 小小的福音種子栽在一個小男孩身上,卻帶來全村的人悔改得救恩。我們就必須全心轉向神,徹底的信靠順服祂的命令,因為有一天祂的榮耀將會向祂謙卑的僕人顯現。 
Unforeseen Fruit
David Lee
     One of the biggest problems in the postmodern world we live in is that everyone desires instant gratification. We want to see results right now. We want to see the fruits of our labor in a relatively short period. Christians are not immune from this societal trend. Perhaps we serve silently in the church and yet no one else seems to notice, as if our labors have no effects in this world. We may be serving in the church nursery, caring for infants. All we hear are baby cries and sometimes we wonder if all this matters or we are just a regular baby sitter. Worst of all, when obstacles and trials come our way, we find ourselves in the darkest valley. We may become discouraged, loosing our faith and worst of all, denying our God. We forget the promise of Psalm 23: “Even when I walk through a dark valley, I fear no harm for you are at my side; your rod and staff give me courage.
     The Lord feeds his flock like a shepherd. He gathers the lambs in his arms (Isaiah 40:11). Fear not, little flock, for the heavenly Father has promised you the kingdom (Luke 12:32).  Only believe, only believe! All things are possible. However, we must wait for God’s time, not our time.
     The following testimony was told by Pastor Jim Cymbala in the book, “Fresh Power.” In 1921, a Swedish missionary couple, David and Svea Flood, was called by God to bring the good news to the heart of Africa –then Belgian Congo. They met another missionary couple, the Ericksons, at the central mission station. The Lord led them to take the gospel to a remote village of idol worshipers, an area infested with malaria and other tropical diseases. They settled near the village of N’dolera, but the local chief would not allow them to enter, fearing that forest gods would be angered. The only contact these two couples had was a young boy, who was allowed to sell chickens and eggs to them twice a week. They concentrated their efforts in educating the young boy and succeeded in leading the young boy to Christ. 
     However, the hardship of the jungle and repeated infestation with malaria took a huge toll on them. The Ericksons had enough and returned to the central mission station, leaving the David and Svea to continue the mission. Svea became pregnant and gave birth to a baby girl—only to die seventeen days later due to exhaustion and malaria. Faced with this enormous crisis, David became discouraged. He devoted his life to God and all he could see was one boy saved at the cost of suffering in the jungle, eventually losing his wife. He rejected his calling and later denied God. He gave the baby girl to the Ericksons and returned to Sweden. Eight months later, the Ericksons mysteriously died, and the baby girl was adopted by American missionaries who later returned to South Dakota. 
     The little girl grew up in the ministry and married a young man named Dewey Hurst who later became the president of a local Christian college. She was always curious about her Swedish birth parents and did not have any information about what happened to them.  One day a Swedish magazine appeared in her mailbox. As she turned the pages, she suddenly saw a picture of a grave with a white cross written with the words “Svea Flood.” She recognized her mother’s name and immediately went to the Christian college to ask a friend to translate the Swedish text. The magazine article talked about the first missionaries in N’dolera long ago. After the white missionaries had all left, the young boy grew up and built a school in the village using the education he received from the missionaries. He won all his students to Christ. Then children led their parents to Christ—even the chief had become a Christian. Today there were 600 Christians in that village, all because of the sacrifice made by the Flood family. 
     Later the Hursts went to Sweden to visit their father, David Flood. They told him how the one boy he and his wife led to Christ had brought salvation to the entire village. David repented and returned to Christ like a lost sheep. Few years later, while attending a conference in London, the Hursts met the superintendent of the national church of Zaire (the former Belgian Congo) who spoke about the 110,000 baptized believers in the church. They found out that the superintendent was the little boy who brought food to David and Svea Flood. He was the seed that was sown with tears by the Flood family.
     Those who sow in tears will reap with cries of joy. Those who go forth weeping, carrying sacks of seed, will return with cries of joy, carrying their bundled sheaves (Psalm 126: 5-6).   Jesus said that unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains just a grain of wheat; but if it dies, it produces much fruit (John12:24). O Lord, forgive our shortsightedness! Forgive our weakness in times of trials! Have mercy on us for we have denied you many times more than Peter! Yet your precious blood shed on the cross has washed our sins away. Your grace is far greater than the sins that we ever confess in ourselves. All we need to do is trust and obey!
     God has a marvelous plan for each of us. In his eyes, all plans are precious. We are all parts of the One Body of Christ, each serving a critical function. Cleaning and mopping the floor of the church is just as precious as preaching from the pulpit.  Seeds are sown many ways in different soils and weathers according to God’s will. God has promised that we will one day reap with cries of joy. We have heard the testimony that a small seed of the Gospel planted in a small boy has led to the salvation of an entire village of sinners. We must turn our heart to trust God completely and obeys his commands for his glory shall be revealed to his humble servants one day.