Chinese Baptist Church of New Orleans 新奥尔良华人浸信会 - 紐奧良華人浸信會
Wednesday, February 23, 2022
2012 Louisiana Chinese American Gospel Camp
福音營錄音 Recording

中文講員: 洪予健牧師 
1991 年春獲美國賓夕法尼亞大學(U.Penn)物理化學博士學位。同年,在加拿大溫哥華卑詩大學(UBC)作博士後研究期間受洗歸主。
1992 年秋蒙召入讀溫哥華維真神學院(Regent College),並參與該校中國研究部 的福音事工研究帶領 UBC 中國學人查經班,也受邀在北美各地向中國學人傳福音。
1995 年春取得基督教研究碩士學位。
內容: 第一堂 認識創造天地的神     (創1:1-25)
            第二堂 認識賜你生命的神      (創1:26-2:24)
            第三堂 認識你所犯的罪          (創3:1-24)
            第四堂 認識獨一的救主耶穌  (創17:1-7,約3:16-18)

When?    時間:       4月14日(週六) 至 4月15日(周日)   
                           Saturday, April 14 to Sunday, April 15
Where?   地點:       Tall Timbers Baptist Conference Center
                                10218 Highway 165 South, Woodworth, Louisiana 71485
                                Driving Directions 行車路線  
Chinese American Christians (and those who have decided to accept Christ) 
in the state of Louisiana and neighboring cities & Christian Friends of the
New Orleans Chinese Baptist Church and Chinese Christian Church of Baton Rouge

                         Chinese Christian Church of Baton Rouge (Co-Host)
                         電話 Telephone: (225) 927-3239
                         New Orleans Chinese Baptist Church (Host) 
                         電話 Telephone: (504) 463-0235
Languages?   Mandarin Chinese Camp & English Camp

This camp accommodates the entire family!
Program includes Adult Mandarin Chinese Camp; English-Speaking Camp, Special Program for Children, and Care for Toddlers/Infants.  Outdoor activity available.

Youth Program
Speaker: Pastor William Engelhart

 報名表 Registration Form 
                                                    中文 Chinese        中文 Chinese             
                                                             PDF               MS Word Doc                    

委託書 Entrustment Form
  • 十八歲以下無父母陪同出席本營會者/兒童都必須填表。
  • Must be completed for all teenagers and children less than 18 years of age attending the retreat without the accompaniment of their parents.

醫療授權書 Permission to Direct Medical Care
  • 十八歲以下無父母陪同出席本營會者/兒童都必須填
  • Must be completed for all teenagers and children less than 18 years of age attending the retreat without the accompaniment of their parents.

