Chinese Baptist Church of New Orleans 新奥尔良华人浸信会 - 紐奧良華人浸信會
Wednesday, February 23, 2022
2009 Louisiana Chinese American Christian Spiritual Retreat

21世紀對北美中國基督徒的挑戰與使命! 你預備好了嗎? 請勿錯過此難得聚會!   

The Mission Challenges of the 21st Century for Chinese Americans: Are you ready?

靈修營錄音 Recording  

                       中文講員:  劉同蘇牧師, 侯君麗牧師夫婦  
      主題: 耶與中國---- 21 世紀北美華人基督徒的挑戰與使命        

                            English Speaker:  Gregory Jao 

                            Theme: Courage & Calling, Exodus 1-3

When?    時間:       9月5日(週六) 至 9月7日(周一)   
                       Saturday, Sept. 5 to Monday, Sept. 7
Where?   地點:      Tall Timbers Baptist Conference Center
                                10218 Highway 165 South, Woodworth, Louisiana 71485
                                Driving Directions 行車路線  
Who?       路州以及附近城市的華裔基督徒(歡迎決定接受基督者)和教會的基督徒朋友
Chinese American Christians (and those who have decided to accept Christ) 
in the state of Louisiana and neighboring cities & Christian Friends of the
New Orleans Chinese Baptist Church and
Chinese Christian Church of Baton Rouge

Sponsors?      紐奧良華人浸信會(主辦)  
                         New Orleans Chinese Baptist Church (Host) 
                         電話 Telephone: (504) 467-6958
                         Chinese Christian Church of Baton Rouge (Co-Host)
                         電話 Telephone: (225) 927-3239
Languages?   Mandarin Chinese Camp & English Camp

適合全家人一起參加的退修會‧節目分ABC社青與大學生聚會‧ABC青少年聚會‧ 兒童節目‧嬰孩與幼童看護‧普通話成人聚會‧並有球類, 游泳, 划船,營火等活動‧
       This Spiritual Retreat accommodates the entire family! 
       Retreat Program includes: 
          Adult Mandarin Chinese Camp;
          English-Speaking Camp for Youths, Students and
          Professionals; Special Program for Children, and Care for Toddlers/Infants. 
          Sports Activities include ball games, swimming, boating, and camping, etc.

    費用(住宿/膳食):Costs (Lodging & Meals)
  • 全部以住二晚,喫六餐收費,不鼓勵部份時間參加者。請下載表格閱收費表。
  • Based on 2 nights lodging and 6 meals. Partial participation not recommended. Please download registration form for fee schedule.

1.  至教會報名付費者: Church Registration
  • 貝城及鄰近地區報名者向貝城華人基督教會報名(支票抬頭請寫 CCCBR)。
  • Baton Rouge area: Please register with Chinese Christian Church of Baton Rouge representative (attach cash or check payable to “CCCBR” with the application form).
  • 紐奧良及其他地區 (例如Beaumont and Mississippi)者:向紐奧良華人浸信會報名(支票抬頭請寫 NOCBC)。
  • New Orleans and other areas (such as Beaumont and Mississippi): Please register with New Orleans Chinese Baptist Church representative (attach cash or check payable to “NOCBC” with the registration form).
2.  網上報名者: Online Registration
  • 請下載並且填(MS Word)。
  • Email 填好的報(MS Word) 給 Br. Jay Wang (NOCBC) at,之後請將簽好填完之報名表, 連同支票抬頭寫 NOCBC, 寄至:  
              New Orleans Chinese Baptist Church, 3413 Continental Drive, Kenner, LA  70065
  • Download and complete registration form in MS Word format.
  • Email Br. Jay Wang (NOCBC) at with the required information (completed MS Word file) then deliver your signed registration form plus check payable to “NOCBC” to New Orleans Chinese Baptist Church, 3413 Continental Drive, Kenner, LA 70065.
3.  費用補助: Financial Assistance
  • 如因經濟因素,需要申請部份費用補助者,請向自已的教會或查經團契申請。所有跟大會相關的教會和查經團契會愛心地幫助你費用上需要。 
  • If you have financial difficulties and need assistance with a portion of the fee for lodging and meals, please appeal directly to your respective church or Bible study fellowship. The churches and Bible study fellowships associated with this retreat will assist you to assure your attendance.
* 勿將報名費用放至教會奉獻箱內 ,請連同報名表及費用直接交於負責靈修營事工之同工
Do not place your registration payment in the Church Donation Box.   Attach your payment to the registration form and forward directly to Retreat Committee representative.
*住宿房間將以報名的先後次序安排 ,但必須在 8月23日 前繳清一切費用才能保持此優先
Priority of lodging room assignment is based on the date of registration, but full payment of lodging and meals must be received by August 23 for this priority to remain effective. 
Receipt of Payment: A receipt will be issued to registrants after full payment by CCCBR or NOCBC. According to IRS policy, this fee for lodging and meals is for personal use, thus non-deductible for tax purposes. 

 報名表 Registration Form
                        中文 Chinese                 中文 Chinese                  英文 English                  英文 English
                               PDF                        MS Word 97-2003                    PDF                       MS Word 97-2003

委託書 Entrustment Form
  • 十八歲以下無父母陪同出席本營會者/兒童都必須填
  • Must be completed for all teenagers and children less than 18 years of age attending the retreat without the accompaniment of their parents.

醫療授權書 Permission to Direct Medical Care
  • 十八歲以下無父母陪同出席本營會者/兒童都必須填
  • Must be completed for all teenagers and children less than 18 years of age attending the retreat without the accompaniment of their parents.
