Chinese Baptist Church of New Orleans 新奥尔良华人浸信会 - 紐奧良華人浸信會
Wednesday, February 23, 2022

地址 Directions

3413 Continental Drive, Kenner, LA 70065

From Airport: 
  • Take airport access road towards I-10 West entrance
  • Take the Veterans Memorial Blvd. ramp (right) and turn right at the fork
  • Left turn onto Williams Blvd heading northward
  • Left turn on West Esplanade Ave.
  • You will pass Esplanade Mall on your left
  • At the corner of Office Building 527, turn left onto Continental Drive
From Downtown New Orleans:
  • Take I-10 West to Williams Blvd. Exit (before Airport Exit)
  • Right turn on highway exit heading northward on Williams Blvd.
  • Left turn on West Esplanade Ave.
  • You will pass Esplanade Mall on your left
  • At the corner of Office Building 527, turn left onto Continental Drive
From Baton Rouge:
  • Take I-10 East to Loyola Ave Exit (after I-310 Exit)
  • Left turn on highway exit heading northward on Loyola Ave.
  • At the corner of Walmart, turn right onto West Esplanade Ave.
  • At the corner of Office Building 527, turn right onto Continental Drive